Many of us who have seen through the corruption of our public health authorities and politicians regarding the obvious conflict of interest with big pharma facilitated by Big Tech are probably experiencing depression and fighting a sense of demoralization as we see freedom crumble worldwide and censorship taking over. I myself fight it every day. Canada is now at a point where those who dare to speak up and resist the “vaccine” which is really just a form of gene therapy with the highest rate of serious side effects of any vaccine in modern history, are now not just losing their livelihoods, but having their money seized, and being imprisoned.
Dr. Paul Alexander, an expert in Epidemiology who holds a PhD in the area of Health Research Methods and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, with an additional focus on evidence-based medicine along with a post-doctoral fellowship in evidence-based medicine from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario now faces possible imprisonment for merely speaking out at the Canadian protests. We all should send our thoughts and prayers and powerful warrior for the truth. He is named in 55 publications in his field (Publishing Record – Dr. Paul Alexander ( and yet may be facing arrest. Certainly, others who hold to views that the mRNA and DNA spike protein “vaccine” (gene therapy) may not be safe for everybody and resisting the mandates in Ottawa have already bene arrested, even if this is just a threat.
Here is the thread about the arrest threat on his Substack:
I realize that not everybody who subscribes here shares my Christian beliefs, but I do find a lot of inspiration from the Bible and will take the liberty to share now and then. I think most of us fighting for truth, regardless of our religious orientation, will get encouragement from this passage from Hebrews 10:34 - 36. The context of this verse is to those early Christians who were persecuted in the first century for their faith, but as is true with many Bible passages, it can be applied to other areas of life.
4 You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. 35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 37 For,
“In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.”[f]
38 And,
“But my righteous[g] one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.”[h]
I pray that this helps you today if you are discouraged. In closing this post, I thank you for all of the interaction on the alt tech discussion and for so many new subscribers despite I can only post about once per week. I appreciate all of the inputs and continue to work that project in my off hours. I am engaged with a couple of other top professionals in infrastructure and software development and are making progress and getting a foundation laid for more participation. I am really tempted to spend the 3K on GoDaddy to get the domain as that is better than the one I got (, but want to put together a good business plan first.
Lastly, my apologies for not yet doing part 2 of the 4 pillars on Vaccine mandates yet. I do plan to finish it finally today. A lot of new material has emerged since I started the series. I’m trying to assimilate and condense it for the post.
Thank you for leading me to Substack ... I'm working to learn the system. Blessings cousin